Defining Moments Amor Fati with Julieanne McGuinness – The Love of Fate

Written By: Julieanne McGuinness
If you had told me two years ago that I would be here—or writing this—I would have laughed.
In 2019, I was rounding out a 10-year relationship, managing sales for a $50 Million Real Estate Team, and living a very American life. I loved my colleagues and was content on my small farm in Florida with my partner and three dogs.
The white picket fence? I had it. But there was a calling, deep in my soul, that something wasn’t right—the life I had created – while beautiful – was not for me.
Unable to shake this emptiness and disturbance within me, I set out at 32 to find the missing piece. Somewhat by accident, I found myself in Greece. During a pandemic, traveling solo, on sabbatical from my career, alone in the world, the wildest and most beautiful journey of my life began.
The journey is not a straight line, and it’s individual, but I have found some things to be true in every circumstance and for every person.
I could tell you about the months I spent camping in the wilderness, the countless families who took me in and shared their culture with me, or the romance and heartbreak I experienced—and when I finish my book, you can read about all of those details there; What I want to share here is the joy — the essence — of the journey.
Lessons realized through periods of intense gratitude and moments where tears fell from my eyes, overcome with deep sadness as I asked myself,
“What were you thinking leaving everything you spent 17 years building?”
- You are stronger than you could ever imagine. Start believing this, and your abilities will prove it to you.
- Take radical personal responsibility for your life, choices, and circumstances. You will find more joy, you will stress less, and you will love people more – and it will feel natural.
- Choose to believe in eternal good, even when it’s hard to see at the moment.
- Speak precisely and in expectation of great things. Don’t run poor software by using limiting or false language. Your brain is like a computer.
- Your energy can be felt by others and affected by them. Protect it.
- Listen to your body and your intuition. It knows what you need and where you are.
I am writing to you from Athens, Greece, where I now live permanently. I spend my summers on islands and my days working with clients all over the world where I focus on pillars of radical personal responsibility and unconditional positive regard to bring people back into the driver’s seat of their lives, giving them tools and reminding them we all have the power within to create the life we desire.
I’m not sure if I believed in fate years ago, but it’s clear now that life happens FOR us. This life seems to have been my fate, and I love it.
You can find Julieanne at:
- Instagram: Julieanne McGuiness
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