Lesley Logan: Do More of What You Love

Written by Lesley Logan
After suffering from major burnout caused by trying to make my “side hustle” my main hustle while also working full-time, I realized I needed to make a big change. I was 6 weeks out from marrying my best friend so the decision to make the leap was scary, but ultimately it was the start of having a life that allowed me to support and inspire others to do the same- Do more of what they love!
I had to ditch perfection, take messy action, and do “it” scared! Those three phrases have become my mantras for everything.
What I realized is my burnout and overworking wasn’t something only I was experiencing. I saw women all over the world doing too much, doing more, working harder and trying to “balance it all.” Which was leaving them, and me, burnout, exhausted, and massive imposter syndrome.
I now see that beauty, strength, success all come from prioritization of self. Which for many can sound selfish. But, truthfully, without self-prioritization we have nothing left to give. And, we are all here for a purpose. Teaching women how to create a schedule that has their priorities in first, learning how to say “no” and truly be it till they see it has become my mission.
It started with Pilates. Pilates became the touchstone for me to prioritize myself. And then my curiosity in human behavior, how we create habits and routines, showed me that we do more of what makes us feel good! It’s beautiful when I see women feeling good about themselves and what they do. Even the smallest things. Which is so hard. We tend to think if something is “big enough” it’s not worth doing.
Its beyond beautiful when you take time for you first, even 5 minutes. It’s beautiful when you say “I can’t do that right now but I could do it on ___ date.” It’s gorgeous when you enforce the boundaries that allow you to show up fully in everything you do.
Lesley Logan, a certified Pilates teacher, habits and mindset coach, is the founder of OnlinePilatesClasses.com and host of Be It Till You See It podcast. Teaching Pilates since 2008, she has run multiple studios, trained hundreds of teachers and taught thousands of students around the world. When not teaching or recording she is leading retreats around the world.
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