Olympic Beauty – Kelly Gunther

Kelly Gunther considers herself a laid back kind of girl.
As a former Olympian, being laid back wasn’t anywhere close to her lifestyle for most of her life. Having started skating at the age of six, Kelly committed years to her sport and has had an incredible career, one that the everyday athlete only dreams of, competing at the highest level.
When you hear about Kelly’s career, one word stands out: resilience.
As an in-line skater, Kelly won multiple World Championship gold medals for the United States relay team. She made the transition to ice speed skating in 2009. That same year, after years of training, Kelly just missed qualifying for the Vancouver Olympics.
For many, a defining setback could end a career, but not Kelly. Kelly’s setback only made her work harder. In 2010, a fall during a race almost severed her foot.
After intense rehab, however, she not only skated her personal best times, but she also made the 2011-2012 World Cup team followed by the career pinnacle, competing in the 2014 Olympic games in Russia.
Now a retired Olympian, Kelly is spending time with friends and figuring out life just like most of us.
Kelly says beauty has always been important to her; even when she was playing sports, she considered herself a girly-girl. In her skating years, Kelly would be at the starting line with a bit of mascara and blush. Now she gets to put on a full face of make-up.
“I love to do my full make up. I’m still not the best at it, but I’m learning how to make it look good!”
One beauty tip that Kelly shares is to always wash your face.
Especially on the days, you aren’t so sure if you can bear taking off your makeup at the end of the night after a long day of work, or even going out, wash your face, girlfriend! I promise you won’t be mad if you did!
Being out of the daily grind of skating is a complete life change for someone who spent 25 years with one focus. Now it’s a new journey of learning and growing. Kelly gets to share her journey of perseverance, dedication, determination, and drive.
“I’m redefining myself as “Kelly THE comeback kid!” Kelly is quick to share that life isn’t always going to be perfect with rainbows and butterflies, yet if we keep pushing forward, life will be what we make of it.
Kelly has made a new career achievement in becoming a motivational speaker to help others build their confidence. She wants all people to become the best version of themselves and help others do the same every day. Kelly’s story is one of strength and grit, a truly inspirational story that we can all benefit from hearing.
You can find Kelly at:
- Instagram: Kelly Gunther
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