Strong Through Beauty

Written By: Aisha Cathey
What is considered beautiful has been evolving since the beginning of time, but this time it is different.
The beauty industry is changing to embrace purpose, self-love, empowerment, and expression. A beauty influencer myself with over 25 years in the industry, I have witnessed tremendous change, and I feel honored and proud to be an influencer of this generation of changemakers.
My transformation started when I decided to lose weight. Not because I wanted to look like a supermodel, but out of self-respect:
I want to be a healthy example of what I represent.
I lost 80 pounds with a gastric bypass sleeve. I ran into severe complications with the sleeve, but I feel good in my skin now and use this to help other people transform from the inside out.
I am the living example that no matter how you choose to transform – be it weight, surgery, make-up, it is still hard work, and it is all worth it.
Transformation, by definition, is uncharted territory. It is also where the journey to self-discovery starts. Once I embarked on my journey, I grew gradually to what I am today. I became a licensed cosmetologist in the 10th grade traveled across the state’s teaching and training the next generation of cosmetologists to fulfill the needs of the current industry.
I have created several beauty shows and events while contributing to local colleges sitting on the advisory board for Lawson State Community College HBCU. Finally, I began to indulge in the chemistry of beauty, working for Avas Cosmetics and Kiri industries in India.
Every step of my career reminds me of the different layers of purpose that beauty encompasses.
I teach my clients to feel strong through beauty because when you look good, you feel good. One cannot undo hurtful experiences from the past, but you can boost your confidence and unlock your optimal potential through beauty.
I want every other woman to know this secret, so I incorporated much of what I learned over the past years in a book that is coming out of spring 2022. It teaches women the basic steps of applying make-up to enhance their beauty every day. The goal is not for them to cover up their face but to feel encouraged and worthy to heal from the inside.
For them especially, they must receive extra help to see that they can be super beautiful despite their situation.
I have seen the idea in practice while working for the American cancer society. I saw them blossom up from the inside by applying simple make-up on their faces.
My favorite phrase is “Beauty saved the Beast.” My passion and love for the beauty industry kept me going. If it had not been for the beauty industry, I’m unsure what I would have become.
You can find Aisha at:
- Instagram: @aishacathey
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