Timeless Beauty with Furaha Moye

It is my belief that in life, we have to “feel the fear and do it anyway.”
I’ve spent a good deal of time struggling and pushing back on myself because I listened to all the negative messages. Fortunately, I found my center, my art through becoming a Custom Picture Framer; this was a blessing I could never have even dreamed possible.
My birthday present to myself in my 35th year was to open my frameshop. I started framing at 23, and 50 years later, I’m still going strong. Through framing, I discovered that I could do anything and everything I put my mind to.
I became confident, hopeful, driven, forgiving, and most importantly, at peace with myself. I gave up my shop, my condo, my car and moved to New York City at 50 to pursue a career as an actor; and yes, it has its ups and downs, but the most important thing is that I’ve gained enough traction to know I’m on the right path.
Hope, faith, and belief in myself keep me grounded and moving forward.
I have opportunities as a 72-year-old woman that my Mom could never have imagined, and for that, I’m grateful. Besides being an actor and a custom picture framer, I am a photographer, model, tap dancer, and writer.
When and where were you born? Tell us about you!
This life has been quite a fabulous ride from the very beginning. I’ve seen many ups and tremendous downs from the time I was born in Manhattan in 1949. I am an artist in multiple disciplines; actor, custom picture framer, model, photographer, singer, tap dancer, and writer.
Art was a part of my life as a young girl, but at that time, I was assured I’d never be able to support myself as an artist. I’ve done and continue to do that very thing as of this writing.
What’s one thing you learned about beauty from your Mother/Grandmother?
My Mother was an exceptionally beautiful, wise, and intelligent woman and the one thing she would often expound on was that beauty stems from your inner being. Who you are internally has everything to do with what you’ll exude externally.
How have beauty standards changed?
Fortunately, I’ve become an older woman at a time when aging is being embraced as a positive for older women. We are seeing more and more women who are ardently pushing back on “treatments” that defy aging. Aging is a natural progression of living and is not granted to all.
What is something beauty/wellness-related that you can’t live without?
My morning routine starts with a cup of hot, steaming Matcha Tea followed by a luxurious shower, after which I apply pure Aloe to my skin before applying moisturizer. It makes me feel alive, fresh, and ready even before makeup!
What do you enjoy most about being your age?
I love the fact that I’ve grown to be quite comfortable in my skin and no longer feel the need to excuse, explain, question, or deny any of my actions. I like who I am and the life I’m living.
How do you define beauty?
Beauty for me is all above love on the most visceral level. Who I am, how I feel, what I share, what I accept, what I think is exactly what I put out into the world.
What is a favorite beauty product?
A concealer made by Dermablend. It provides maximum coverage for dark spots, birthmarks, scars, and a host of other issues when I’m preparing to look and feel my best.
What advice would you give the younger generation when it comes to beauty?
That would be to focus on being healthy, stress-free, living in the moment, and being brave enough to pursue your deepest passions for the things you love. Be all the woman you are meant to be; it starts young and matures like a fine wine.
Do you have a motto you live by?
A time-honored adage: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
You can find Furaha at:
- Instagram: Furaha Moye
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