We Salute You: Taylor Anne Knueven

I was born in New Orleans, but I moved at seven years old and lived in Alabama and Georgia for considerable amounts of time in my childhood/young adolescent years.
I enlisted out of Florence, Alabama. I joined the Army, on a whim, to become an Active Duty Combat Medic in 2013. Over the last 8 years, I have been stationed at Fort Bragg, NC, Fort Benning, GA, and am currently assigned to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, KY.
My husband is on Active Duty and a Special Forces Communications Sergeant with the 5th Special Forces Group also on Fort Campbell. We have two beautiful children together (ages 4 and 5).
Over the last year, I have been working at the Rascon School of Combat Medicine, where I instruct and facilitate the training and recertification for all combat medics on the post. I love instructing, as well as coaching resiliency skills, as a certified Army Master Resilience Trainer.
Last year a senior non-commissioned officer sexually assaulted me in my unit while serving on the U.S. Border mission. After the Army retained my assailant, I was hell-bent on raising my voice to propose a change in how we handle cases of Military Sexual Trauma. I did so during the XVIIIth Airborne Corps SHARP Challenge in February.
My voice was heard, and though some policy was effectively changed (and now considered Army-wide), I am still on a mission to change the way those I serve with perceive Military Sexual Trauma, react to victims, and call out the senseless and unprofessional sexually charged comments as I hear them.
I have found so much support and empowerment this year while finding my voice and have been led to compete for the title of Ms. Veteran America 2021 and advocate for Veteran woman homelessness.
In early July, I was selected to be one of the 19 Finalists heading to Orlando to compete this year and am eagerly awaiting October to celebrate all of our Women Veterans and their beauty “beyond the uniform.”
Beauty to me is an attitude.
It implies an action or a mental state that we have. I love Botox, fake tans, and pretty teeth as much as the next girl, but “beauty” is exuding confidence, happiness, compassion, and love through every pore… even when your pores might be clogged.
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